
Talia Azous

Hey CSS! My name is Talia Azous and this coming summer will be my 9th year attending camp between Maine and Washington. I live in Las Vegas, will be graduating high school in May, have played lacrosse since 3rd grade and am looking forward to college in the Fall. I have loved the friendships I’ve made as a camper and staff and look forward to seeing everyone each summer. I love singing on Shabbat and color war and hanging out with my campers! My favorite memories of Schechter were the Mount Rainier hike during my Oded year and the incredible Gesher trip to Israel the following summer. Can’t wait for everyone to get to camp, see you in June!    

Summer Program Director

Maya Bellas

Hey Schechter! I’m Maya Bellas and I am so excited to be the Program Director this summer! This year I’m wrapping up my Public Policy degree at the University of Maryland in May, then off to camp in June! The most fulfilling part of working at camp is watching my former campers grow into counselors and Gesherim. I cannot wait to collaborate with our phenomenal staff to put on the most fun chuggim, evening programs, and themed days ever! See you all this summer!

Shorashim Program Manager

Jaimee Cutler

Hey Schechter! I’m Jaimee and I’m so excited to be Assistant Rosh Shorashim this summer! I’m finishing my Economics degree at the University of Birmingham in May and then I’m flying over to the States in June! I can’t wait for more camp Shabbats, Shira sessions and I’m looking forward to seeing you all after being away from camp for a year!!!

Counselor & Challenge Course Specialist

Max Forman

What’s up CSS! My name is Max Forman and I am so thrilled to be returning to camp for my eighth summer at Schecter. I live in Vancouver, BC and after graduating high school in June I’ll be attending the University of British Columbia. In my free time, I love to play soccer, go skiing, and play guitar. My favourite thing about camp is being given the opportunity to make amazing, lifelong friends. This summer, along with being a counselor, you’ll see me climbing and swinging as a challenge course specialist. I can’t wait to see you all soon!!

Sports Director

Ziggy Giangreco

Hello my fellow Schechterites! I’m Ziggy and I’m so excited to be back this year for my 11th year of camp! This summer as sports director I look forward to getting everyone engaged in fun activities from GAGA to Maccabia! I love sports from football to lacrosse. My favorite thing to do at camp is playing some shabbas hoops, and my favorite meal is none other than shabbas dinner! I look forward to teaching kids new games and playing games they already know. I can’t wait to be back at my home away from home and give kids the best summer yet!

Camper Care

Yarden Gordon

Hi Schechter friends! I’m Yarden and I’m happy to say I’m coming back this summer as camper care! Currently, I’m living in Seattle and working as a teacher at the SJCC. I’m super excited to see all of you and can’t wait for the fun summer we’re gonna have together! I love dancing, hiking, cute animals and sunny nice days. My favorite camp activity is obviously jewmba and I love love love Israel day! I’m Counting down the days ’till I get to see all my campers and friends and spend another amazing summer at my favorite camp! 

Summer Camp Director

Manda Graizel

Favorite camp memory? Going on campouts and making smores around the campfire. Also Havdalah. Most excited about? The small moments. the friendships formed, the memories made. Oh, and also becoming best friends with the whale in the lake. Favorite camp activity? Challenge course. I cannot wait to try out the zipline! Favorite camp meal? Grilled cheese and tomato soup. All day every day.


Nathan Holan

What is up Schechter! My name is Nathan Holan and I am excited to be returning as a counselor for my second year. I have attended camp for 8 years and can’t wait to be back. Outside of camp I love to hike, participate in BBYO, and ski with friends. My favorite camp meal is Shabbat dinner as it is not only delicious but shows how strong the Schechter community is. From camp traditions to creating new experiences, I can’t wait to come back to camp

Counsellor and Challenge Course Facilitator

Emily Keen

Hey Schecter, I’m Emily Keen and I am so excited to come back to camp for my second year as a counsellor and challenge course facilitator! I had such an amazing summer last year and can’t wait to get back! I am probably most excited to get back to the challenge course and take cabins on the zip line course, but I also love a good game of 9 square and camp Shabbats. 

Teva Director

Josh Lake

From canoeing Bar/Bat Mitzvah adventures, staff trainings, Jewish hiking and backpacking excursions, developing and writing curricula, and unique Bnai Mitzvah training, Josh continues to evolve and push his mission to lead Jewish groups outdoors around the country. Josh currently lives in Portland, Oregon, with his wife Tamar and their two daughters, Ayelet (a camper at Schechter and student at PJA) and Dov (a future camper at Schechter, as well as a current student at PJA), along with their dog, Stanley.

Dir. of Staff Leadership & Dir. of Judaics

Ilana & Matt Lipman

Ilana grew up attending Young Judaea camps and brings her own experiences as a camper and staff member of many years to CSS.  She lives in Modi’in, Israel with her husband Matthew, their four awesome kids and their very cute Shi Tzu. Her favorite meal at camp is grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. She loves exploring the walking trails and nature at camp. Matt loves bringing exciting Jewish programs to camp and looks forward to helping campers to increase their knowledge and understanding of Jewish life. His favorite meal at camp is shakshuka and Israeli salad on Yom Yisrael (Israel Day.) His favourite piece of CSS swag is the Jew Crew t-shirts.

Anafim Program Manager

Jasmine ‘Jas’ Miller

Hey guys I’m Jas and I’m so excited to come back to camp on headstaff this summer! I just graduated from the University of Birmingham. I can’t wait to see you all so soon and have the best summer!

Music Director

Josh Niehaus

Josh brings more than a decade worth of professional camp experience with him, including three summers as the assistant director of Schechter (and a whopping total of sixteen summers at Schechter) and two years as the Camp Director at the Stroum Jewish Community Center. Josh has an incredible ability to infuse all areas of camp with ruach (spirit) and values, and we are thrilled that he has agreed to join our staff as the Director of Innovation and Programming.


Lili Phillips

Hi everyone, my name is Lili and I’m currently studying media and communications at The University of Leeds. I love film, drama, student radio and have my very own podcast! I’m really excited to meet everyone this summer, not long now 🙂


Rachelle Rozet

I’m Rachelle and I’m so excited for my 11th summer at camp! I’m looking forward to reuniting with my friends and meeting my new campers! My favorite part of camp is Shabbat, and I can’t wait for all the special moments, from Havdalah to Shabbos Golf! It’s going to be the best summer ever, Schechter! See you soon!

Oded Director

Laura “Lau” Rymberg

I love to draw, sing, travel, read, do Pilates, and cook.
Favorite thing about camp: 9 square and Havdallah
Favorite camp meal: Shabbat dinner

MESH Professional

Zach Snyder

Zach Snyder (MA,LMHC), is a current resident of Seattle, a Proud product of Portland and a graduate of the mighty CSS gaga pits. He is passionate about Positive Youth Development, whimsy and a darn good snack. Zach wholeheartedly believes that Summer camp is the best place to experience profound Positive Youth Development. Perhaps most importantly, Zach’s greatest love of all is camp magic, and his favorite place is CSS

Rosh Nitzanim

Dolev Stav

Hi Schechter people! My name is Dolev and I’m so so excited to come back this summer as Rosh Nitzanim! This year I’m working as an Israeli Emissary in Central MA with the Jewish Federation. Working with teens and kids all year long gets me super hyped for camp this summer! I love dancing, theater, reading a good book and sunbathing on a chill afternoon on Shabbat. My favorite camp food is grilled cheese and tomato soup, nothing can beat eating that on the Chadorch. I just can’t wait to be back this June and seeing you all!

Toded (Team Oded)

Dana Zashki

Yo yo yo what’s up Camp Solomon Schechter?! My name is Dana and I’m so excited to come back to camp this summer as Toded! Currently in Israel I’m a counselor in Teva chugs in different schools in Yeruham, my hometown. I love to hike and travel, hang out with my friends, and lately drumming too! My favorite camp food is Shabbat dinners. I can’t wait to see all the campers and staff that I love so much, and especially to spend another summer in my second home!

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