Grilled cheese and tomato soup! Beef ribs and coleslaw! Burrito bar! These are a few of my favorite meals at camp! Do you know what yours are?
If you have ever been a camper at CSS I’m willing to bet that images of delicious dishes are jumping to mind right now as you read this. Everyone at camp has a meal that they look forward to above all others. So, when you show up to the chadar excited to eat and catch up with all of your bunkmates, and the food isn’t as good as you’d hoped it would be, you are going to feel let down; and we should know because you told us this (a number of times) in last year’s survey! Well we heard you loud and clear and we’ve made some big changes for this summer! We hired a new culinary superstar, Chef Jessica, to fill the bellies of happy campers! But you don’t have to take my word for it, see for yourself in our new video series, Camp Chef! In our first episode Chef Jessica makes one of my all time favorite meals at camp; BBQ rib dinner. בתיאבון
Tune in next week for Chef Jessica’s herb crusted chicken dinner!