Schechter Community,
Our 70th summer.
Im so proud of each and everyone of you. What a beautiful community, a sacred community. A community filled with middot, values that you should continue to live and breath back in your communities. Being kind, compassionate. Being respectful, and being inclusive.
I love watching you smile, dance, sing, swim, and live your best lives at camp. I’m inspired by your ruach, love for camp, love for your friends, and your deep love and passion for being Jewish. Are you proud to be Jewish?
You have so much passion and joy, if you live your life with that fire and spirit you will be able to overcome each and every obstacle in you way. I challenge you to be resilient, activate your voice, stand up tall, be confident, be brave, be vulnerable, and be bold.
The future of the jewish people is unwritten, and at camp we get to help write that script.
Friends, look around, take it all in. I want you to remember this moment, this community, your friends, your counselors, mark this moment, savor it, let the sound of the havdalah candle hitting the wine be a memory that will last until we’re back here together again next summer.
A good week, a week of peace, may gladdens reign and joy increase.
Shavuah Tov!